abridged student guidelines

At Demarest Middle School District each student will be given a school-issued laptop, in order to enhance learning in and out of the classroom by utilizing the Internet and various applications. Our goal is to enhance student achievement and engagement in school as 21st century skills are built. The computers will be issued to each student for the entire school year, but they will remain property of the Demarest Board of Education. Students are expected to adhere to the rules and guidelines in our Acceptable Use Policy while using their school-issued computers. The following is a “top ten list” of student guidelines.

  1.  Students must properly take care of their computers and must not deface the covers in any way. Students must also leave their name tags in place in their original condition and not put anything else on the inside cover. Students should not put stickers or images anywhere on the laptop.
  2. The school can inspect and/or confiscate laptops if there is suspicion of wrongdoing. The same is true of students’ Google Drive account.
  3. Students can only use laptops when allowed by teachers. Teachers have the right to close a student’s device if they perceive it has become a distraction to learning. Students must not touch the laptop of another student without permission.
  4. Students must not take pictures or videos of others without consent, and must not use social media or a private email address while on school grounds.
  5. Students must only use the school Internet connection during school hours. Students are to remain logged into their Google accounts. Students are not to use a separate Google ID on their school issued device.  Virtual private networks are strictly prohibited.
  6. Students must allow the district to download all the software necessary to fulfill the purposes of the laptops
  7. The school is not responsible for damage to devices brought from home. Accidents and missing laptops must be reported within one day.
  8. E-mail and Google Docs are not to be used for off task behavior.
  9. Students must not share passwords and are not allowed to erase their browser history.
  10. The computers must not be used for inappropriate behavior or HIB. Students must practice proper Internet safety. All HIB will be dealt with in accordance with school policy and state laws.