dms student council

Student Council is an amazing opportunity for students to learn and foster leadership skills, build relationships with other students, and participate in multiple DMS events over the course of the school year.  It is, however, a hefty time commitment both during and after school. Student Council’s policy requires students to have one year experience in order to run for Student Council Officer positions as an eighth grader.  An individual is required to be a member of Student Council for one year prior to eighth grade. This gives students an idea of the time commitment and expectations of being not only a general member but also an officer.
The Student Council is an organization of DMS students who add to our school and community through events like:

  • Halloween Costume Contest
  • Thanksgiving Food Drive
  • Holiday Talent Show
  • Penny Wars
  • "Soup"er Bowl Food Drive
  • Field Day
  • March Madness Tournaments
  • And more!

Join us if you're interested in taking part in any of these events!


Ms. Nancy Mliczek
Ms. Hyewon Mohanram